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Additional Materials.
I |
Call to order.
[no attachment]
II |
Administration of oath of office to new members.
[no attachment]
Roll Call.
[no attachment]
IV |
Election of Officers.
[no attachment]
V |
Special recognition of Wilbur Smith, former Wildlife Corridor Conservation Authority Advisory Committee member, for extraordinary accomplishments.
[Staff Report]
VI |
Special recognition of John Beauman, former Wildlife Corridor Conservation Authority Governing Board member, for extraordinary accomplishments.
[Staff Report] [Attachment]
Comments by members of the public on items not on the agenda and public testimony on all agenda items. Except for items noticed as public hearings, all public comments shall be heard during the public comments section of the agenda. Individuals will be allowed three minutes to speak and representatives of organizations/agencies will be allowed five minutes to speak.
[no attachment]
Advisory Committee and staff response to public comment. At this time the Advisory Committee and staff will respond to public comment and questions.
[no attachment]
IX |
Approval of minutes from the meeting of October 6, 2010 (including bullet minutes).
[Minutes] [Bullet Minutes]
X |
Update on Governing Board meeting held on October 6, 2010.
[no attachment]
XI |
Comments and announcements from Advisory Committee Members.
[no attachment]
Consideration of resolution recommending that the Governing Board authorize a comment letter to County of Los Angeles on the Draft 2035 General Plan, including proposed Significant Ecological Areas.
[Staff Report] [Resolution] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3] [Attachment 4] [Attachment 5] [Attachment 6] [Attachment 7]
Discussion and possible action regarding United States Army Corps of Engineers Vegetation Policy for Levees, San Gabriel Valley.
[Staff Report] [Attachment 1] [Attachment 2] [Attachment 3]
Update and discussion regarding Whittier Main Oil Field Development Project.
[no attachment]
XV |
Reports from Advisory sub-committees:
a |
Outreach subcommittee, Roland vom Dorp, Chair.
[no attachment]
b |
Media Liaison subcommittee, Helen McKenna Rahder, Chair.
[no attachment]
c |
Ecological subcommittee.
[no attachment]
d |
Fund Raising subcommittee, Roland vom Dorp, Chair.
[no attachment]
e |
Habitat subcommittee, William Madden, Chair.
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f |
Legislative subcommittee, Claire Schlotterbeck, Chair.
[no attachment]
Statements, responses, questions, or directions to staff pursuant to Section 54956.2(a) of the Government Code.
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Announcement of next meeting and adjournment.
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