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Donation Information

Because of the requirements of state law and executive order, a monetary donation made directly to the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy cannot be used unless appropriated by the Legislature and Governor and approved by the Department of Finance in Sacramento. Many donors have chosen instead to make their fully tax deductible contributions to the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). Donations to MRCA are fully tax deductible and allow the donation to be used immediately. The MRCA has compatible objectives and supports the work of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.

Developer dedications and private land donations represent a significant part of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy's acquisition program. With the continued decline of land acquisition funding, the role of dedicated and gifted land is increasingly important to the Conservancy's success in expanding parklands.

Our staff is available to assist with all types of donations. However, external professional legal or accounting advice is strongly encouraged on tax consequences and estate planning.

For further information on how to donate, please contact Rorie Skei at (310) 589-3200 x.112 or email at donations


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